
2023-02-16 13:34 生活经验 0阅读 投稿:小七














制作桲椤叶饼是个精细的活,耗时耗力,要有耐心,每道工序都马虎不得。尤其是做皮的高粱米水面颇有讲究。高粱米须经过几次淘洗,倒入大缸内浸泡 20 多天。期间,换 1 ~ 2次清水。然后,上石磨研磨成稠状的细面,装入漏水容器里,挤掉 80% 的水分,方可使用。这样的面皮,光滑、细腻、柔软、筋道,还有一股特殊香气。


大铁锅注水,蒸屉上摆放刚刚包好的桲椤叶饼,灶火烧得通红,噼啪作响,20 分钟后,桲椤叶饼就蒸熟可以出锅了。







The east part of Liaoning province is bestowed with four distinctive seasons and rich mineral resources. It has long been settled by the Manchu people who live by the change of seasons, have their own ethnic customs and traditional food, such as baked sticky cake, sticky bun of meshed bean fillings, steamed roll, steamed bun wrapped in perilla leaves, and sour noodles of corn flour. But as a special Manchu food, the steamed oak leaf cake is made in a unique way. It is composed of three parts: oak leaves, flour, and fillings. The food appeared as early as the Qing dynasty in the 17th century.

The food as a cure was discovered purely by coincidence, and according to modern medical theory, oak leaves contain tannic or gallotannic acid. When it is wrapped in an oak leave, the cake absorbs a tiny amount of the acid, which has positive effect on summer diarrhea.

In east Liaoning, there're big-leaf oaks and small-leaf ones. It is the big leaves that had been used to treat diarrhea in summer.

My hometown is on the river of Suzi in Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning province. It's a mountainous area inhabited by the Manchu people. In early summer, when oak leaves are fresh and tender, the locals gather big leaves in the mountain, wash them clean, cut off the stipes, and store them for later use.

However, the making of the cake is a delicate job which requires a lot of care in each step, and the sorghum flour should be dealt with special attention. The sorghum rice should be elutriated or washed a couple of times before it is soaked in a vat for over 20 days, during which the water should be changed once or twice. Then the rinsed sorghum rice is to be ground into paste and kept in a perforated container. When 80% of its water is squeezed out from the container, the paste can be used. Made in such a way, the dough is smooth, delicate, tender, chewy, and fragrant.

Pour water into an iron caldron and align the cakes in a bamboo tray. Build a fire under the caldron with firewood. When the fire burns cracking for 20 minutes, your food is ready to be lifted from the caldron.

When I was a child, as a Dragon Boat Holiday ritual, I would squat in front of the cooking platform and watch my mom making leaf cakes. When they were ready and even if they were hot to the touch, I couldn't help myself from taking one of them from the caldron. I would peel off the leaf and take a big bite. It's so delicious! The fragrance from the oak leaf, the fresh scent from the cress, and the chewy taste from the sorghum flour were simply unforgettable.

The fillings are changed too. Instead of being confined to cress, we have green bean, cabbage, leek, melon, and egg as fillings. Some of the cakes are even stuffed with pork and seafood.

I have tasted different leaf cakes in many parts of the country, but the ones I like most are made on the river of Suzi, where the Manchu people have inhabited for centuries. They are made up of sorghum, cress, and oak leaves, and cooked with firewood. They are the purely authentic oak leaf cakes in my memory.

Today the leaf cakes are no longer a local delicacy to be enjoyed only by the Manchu people. They are served in starred hotels in any tourist season in Liaoning province. Moreover, they've become presents exchanged among friends and relatives.

(Trans.by G.Q.)


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