
2023-02-09 15:48 综合百科 0阅读 投稿:小七

A view shows the deserted Iena Bridge near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, during a lockdown imposed to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in France, April 8, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Daytime ban on outdoor exercise


Paris has banned all outdoor exercise between 10 am and 7 pm in a tightening of containment measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus. 为加强防控措施,防止新冠肺炎疫情蔓延,巴黎禁止上午10点到晚上7点之间的所有户外锻炼。

French authorities issued a statement warning anyone caught jogging or exercising in public from Wednesday during those hours will face fines of between €135 and €375. 法国当局发表声明警告说,从本月8日开始,上午10点到晚上7点之间,任何在公共场所慢跑或锻炼的人将面临135欧元(约合人民币1036元)至375欧元的罚款。

"It is through responsibility, self-regulation and collective discipline that Parisians will best help health workers in their fight against the epidemic," the joint statement from the city's Mayor Department and police prefecture said. 巴黎市政府和警察局在联合声明中说:"巴黎人将通过责任、自律和集体纪律来最大程度地帮助医务工作者抗击疫情。"

France has been on lockdown since March 17, preventing anyone from leaving their home unless they are key workers or going out to buy food or medicine. 自3月17日以来,法国一直处于封锁状态,除关键岗位的员工或外出购买食品或药品外,任何人不得离开家门。

Until now, people were also allowed to exercise individually as long as it was for less than an hour and within one kilometer of their home.此前,人们可以在家门口一公里的范围内单独锻炼,时间不超过一小时。


Orphaned baby elephants play during their feeding time normally attended by many visitors but now has none due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage near Nairobi, Kenya April 2, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Thai elephants face starvation


More than 1,000 elephants face starvation in Thailand because the coronavirus crisis has slashed revenue from tourism, conservationists say. 环保人士称,由于新冠肺炎疫情导致旅游业收入锐减,泰国有超过1000头大象面临饥饿困境。

An almost total absence of visitors means that many caretakers are struggling to afford food for Thailand's 4,000 captive elephants. 几乎完全没有游客到访意味着许多看护员很难负担得起圈养大象的食物。泰国有4000头圈养大象。

The animals can eat up to 200kg of food a day. 大象每天可以吃掉多达200公斤的食物。

Lek Chailert, founder of the Save Elephant Foundation, told the BBC: "If there is no support forthcoming to keep them safe, these elephants, some of whom are pregnant, will either starve to death or may be put on to the streets to beg." 拯救大象基金会的创始人蕾克·查略特告诉英国广播公司:"如果今后没有援助来保证它们的安全,这些大象要么饿死,要么就会被扔到街上乞讨,其中一些大象还怀孕了。"

Alternatively, some elephants may be sold to zoos or they may be returned to the illicit logging business, which officially banned the use of elephants in 1989. 一些大象可能会被卖给动物园,或被送回非法伐木行业,该行业自1989年起正式禁止使用大象。

"It's a very bleak outlook unless some financial help is received immediately," Lek Chailert adds. 蕾克·查略特补充道:“除非立即得到一些财政援助,否则前景非常暗淡。"

It's a challenge to keep the animals fed and healthy at the best of times but now it's the dry season, which makes the situation even more extreme.即使在最好的情况下,喂养动物并保证其健康也不是易事,但现在是旱季,这使得情况更加棘手。


Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

>Surgery to wear high heels


These days, US women will do just about anything to fit into their favorite sky-high heels - even surgery.如今,美国女性为能穿上心爱的"恨天高",做什么都愿意,甚至不惜动手术"削足适履"。

87% of women in the US have had foot problems from wearing uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes, such as high heels, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association. 美国足部医学协会数据显示,该国87%的女性因穿高跟鞋等不舒适的鞋子而出现足部问题。

A growing number of women are paying thousands of dollars to surgically alter their feet just to make wearing heels a comfortable experience. 越来越多的女性为舒舒服服地穿高跟鞋,情愿花数千美元做外科手术改变脚型。

People who undergo cosmetic foot procedures, such as shortening toes, receiving foot injections and even completely cutting off pinky toes, are on the rise.接受缩趾术、足部注射甚至截掉最后一根小脚趾等足部整形手术的人数不断攀升。



>Drive-in theaters thriving again


The coronavirus pandemic has led to the closures of movie theaters across the US and the delay of coveted 2020 blockbusters like Disney and Marvel Studios' "Black Widow" and MGM's James Bond film "No Time To Die." 新冠肺炎疫情已经导致美国各地的影院关门,2020年最受期待的一些大片推迟上映,比如迪士尼/漫威的《黑寡妇》和米高梅的《007:无暇赴死》。

But that does not mean going to the movies is out of the question. 但这不意味着去电影院看电影是不可能的事。

Drive-in theaters throughout the US have not only remained open, but have seen spikes in revenue as consumers desperately look for ways to escape their houses while abiding by the rules of social distancing. 美国各地的汽车影院不但继续营业,而且收入还大幅增长,因为消费者迫切地在寻找既能出门又不违反社交隔离规定的方法。

Andrew Thomas, for example, owner of the Showboat Drive-In Theater in Hockley, Texas, saw a 40% increase in sales revenue two weeks ago, and a 95% increase this past week, just by showing the same two movies: Disney and Pixar's "Onward," and the Universal Pictures horror film "The Invisible Man." 举例而言,美国德克萨斯州霍克利的演艺船汽车影院两周前营业额增长了40%,过去一周又增长了95%。该影院只放映两部电影:迪士尼/皮克斯的《觅法奇程》和环球影业的恐怖电影《隐形人》。

According to Thomas, even with the inevitable return of movie theaters across the nation, consumers will not immediately feel safe returning to auditoriums in such big masses, which makes drive-ins a much more viable option.影院老板安德鲁·托马斯表示,即使全国影院最终必将重新开放,消费者也不敢立刻成群地回到电影院,这使汽车影院成为一个更加可行的选择。

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