
2023-05-17 09:21 综合百科 0阅读 投稿:小七

file = "G:\workspace\data\jitang.txt"

MsgBox file

lines = readLines(file)

MsgBox lines

index =1

Rem step1

If lines > index Then


index =index+1

End If

Goto step1

Sub changqqMsg(msg)

FindPic 0,0,1898,1000,"Attachment:\QQ签名.bmp",0.9,intX1,intY1

If intX1 > 0 And intY1 > 0 Then

MoveTo intX1,intY1-20

LeftClick 1

SayString Cstr(msg)

KeyPress "Esc", 1

End If

End Sub

Function d(t)

Delay t

End Function

//鼠标移动过去 并且点击

Sub mvtoandclick(x,y)

MoveTo x, y

Delay 100

LeftClick 1

Delay 100

End Sub

//删除输入框中的 文字 ,需要选择中。

Sub delInputMsg()

KeyDown 17, 1

KeyPress 65, 1

KeyUp 17, 1

KeyPress "BackSpace", 1

End Sub

Sub ZuaasayMsg(src)

For i = 1 To len(src)

src1 = mid(src, i, 1)

SayString src1


End Sub


Function readMsg(file, num)

Dim readMsg

readMsg = Lib.文件.读取指定行文本内容(file, num)

End Function


Function readLines(file)

Dim readLines

For i=1 to i

a = Lib.文件.读取指定行文本内容(file, i)

If a = "" Then


Exit For

End If


End Function
