
2023-08-04 15:57 综合百科 0阅读 投稿:小七

So I’m a black guy who lived in China for a year. Racism is quiet different in China and to be honest, it literally is in your face & It could even get life threatening at times. I’ve had a lot of bad experiences but this one was one of the ones I actually liked and one I didn’t mind.我是一个在中国生活了一年的黑人。种族主义在中国是完全不同的,说实话,它就在你面前,有时甚至会危及生命。我有过很多糟糕的经历,但这次是我真正喜欢的经历之一,也是我不介意的经历之一。

I was riding on the train in Beijing, minding my own business and all of a sudden, someone shoves an earphone to my ears from behind. And I was surprised and pissed that this happened. And lots of rude people in China, so you’re always on the edge. I turned around instantly and it’s this teenage girl and she was hyper and very happy to see me it seemed . And then she says the most unexpected shit ever.我在北京坐火车,正忙着自己的事,突然,有人从后面把耳机塞到我耳边。我对这种事的发生感到惊讶和愤怒。中国有很多粗鲁的人,所以你总是处于边缘。我立即转过身来,这是一个十几岁的女孩,她看起来很兴奋,很高兴见到我。然后她说了有史以来最意想不到的废话。

She says .. ”I like Rap Music”

Wow!!! 哇!!!

I was so shocked but not angry. It was just too surprising and something I wasn’t expecting after having earphones shoved on my ears.

And I shit you not, the music was not even a black guy....it was fucking EMINEM... The wholet thing brought a smile to my face because I knew it was just ignorance and not arrogance and you can’t be mad at ignorance. She wanted to take selfies with me(selfie with a black guy) . I allowed it . We took selfies and we parted ways.


China is such a strange place compared to the rest of the world

Can you tell me more about the dangerous parts? (Fellow black guy thinking about going to China)
你能告诉我更多关于危险部分的信息吗? (黑人小伙考虑去中国)

Don't worry, just wear a LeBron jersey the whole time.

That's actually brilliant. Basketball is very popular in China so if you pretend you're a player you'd probably get great treatment.

Dude. If you’re tall they automatically think you’re a pro sports player.

I spent a summer in taiwan (which is ultra modern) In the late 90’s. Local Pro basketball was getting popular, if you couldn’t make the NBA in North America, you could go there and be a god. Every tall black person people thought was a pro ball player.
上世纪 90 年代末,我在台湾(这是一个超现代的地方)度过了一个夏天。本土职业篮球越来越火了,北美进不了NBA,你也可以去那里当神。人们认为每个高个子黑人都是职业球员。

As I’m leaving the airport to go back home, I happen to see a few ball players. I also see one of my ASIAN friends who’s like 6’4”. I turn around and next thing I know he’s swarmed with locals, and he’s signing AUTOGRAPHS. Haha haha
当我离开机场回家时,我碰巧看到了几个球员。我还看到我的一位亚洲朋友,身高大约为 6 英尺 4 英寸。我转过身,接下来我知道他挤满了当地人,而且他正在签名。哈哈哈哈

So true. Me and my brother are both 6’4” 240 and we were over there for one week and we took a selfie with at least 1 person everyday. We also gave our autographs a couple times. We also have blonde hair and blues eyes and over there no one has that unless they wear contacts or dye their hair so it was pretty awesome to see how amazed they were by that. Honest to God felt like a celebrity for the whole time
如此真实。我和我的兄弟都是 6 英尺 4 英寸 240 英寸,我们在那里呆了一个星期,每天我们至少和 1 个人拍一张自拍照。我们还给了我们几次签名。我们也有金色的头发和蓝色的眼睛,而在那里没有人拥有这样的东西,除非他们戴隐形眼镜或染头发,所以看到他们对此感到多么惊讶真是太棒了。老实说,我一直感觉自己像个名人。

Not sure if it’s apocryphal, but a colleague of mine (white guy) once told me a story about not being allowed into a store and having his attention directed to a sign outside of said store, “no whites” or similar.

He asked our Chinese colleague about it. He said the store was probably selling shit like black rhino horns and ivory. Apparently they think all white people are snitches. Maybe you’d be allowed in as a black guy as long as you also did not identify as western?

Anyway the impression I get is that there aren’t really racist “parts” so much as racist homes and racist stores. Case-by-case stuff. I could be wrong though. I’d also like to hear more first-hand experience.

There's probably a lot more intentional racism directed at other asians in China than there is intentional (albiet probably a lot of unintentional) racism towards outsiders.

I think that mainly depends on your skin colour. White people are usually seen favourably on China (sometimes even adored, especially if they are tall and blonde). Black and/or Arabic people on the other hand...

Most Asian countries tend to white worship a lot... super cringey.

Very true. I lived in china for three years. My hair is naturally white blond (European and albino parents) and I was stared at and handed babies and taken photos of and my hair was touched and my skin. Almost constantly. I was very much treated like royalty and a thing of great beauty (very intimidating for me at age16-19). Once we went to the beach cos you could pay 5RMB for a horse ride at this carnival thing and people were literally coming from miles down the beach to see me riding on this horse. Like no helmets so my long blonde hair was blowing in the wind and I wanted to get off once the crowd amassed and the dude kept sending the horse around and around again and again. Hahaha. Looking back on it is quite amusing but at the time I remember feeling a bit scared. They certainly treat whites with blonde hair/pale skin like some kind of delicacy.
非常真实。我在中国生活了三年。我的头发自然是白色的金发(欧洲和白化病的父母),我被盯着并递给婴儿并拍照,我的头发和我的皮肤被触摸。几乎不断。我受到了皇室般的待遇,而且是一个非常美丽的人(对 16-19 岁的我来说非常令人生畏)。有一次我们去了海滩,因为在这个狂欢节上你可以花 5 元骑马,人们从海滩几英里外赶来看我骑这匹马。就像没有头盔一样,我长长的金发在风中飘扬,一旦人群聚集,我就想下车,那家伙不停地让马转来转去。哈哈哈。现在回想起来很有趣,但我记得当时感觉有点害怕。他们确实像对待某种美味佳肴一样对待金发/苍白皮肤的白人。

I was stationed in Japan back in the early 90’s and my roomate was a brother. He comes home late one weekend (we had duty on Monday) and says “Man, you ain’t gonna believe this shit!” I ask him what he means. Troy was dating a Japanese local and that weekend was the first time they had been intimate. Troy tells me that he took his clothes off and she’s staring at him. He asks her “what’s up?” and, no shit, she asks him where his tail was. Swear to God, this girl though black folks had tails. I was fucking blown away.

My chiropractor is Jewish and went to med school somewhere in the southern US. He met people who'd never met a Jewish person before, and they wanted to know where his horns were, or to feel his upper forehead to see if the horns were under his hair. This was in the 80s I believe. We have a lot of ignorance at home.
我的脊椎按摩师是犹太人,曾在美国南部某地的医学院就读。他遇到了一些以前从未见过犹太人的人,他们想知道他的角在哪里,或者摸摸他的上额头,看看角是否在他的头发下面。我相信那是在 80 年代。我们家里有很多无知。

I know right. Everyone knows it's bad luck to touch a Jews horn. My uncle's friend once touched the horn of the Jew and the only way he could break the curse was to be circumcised by the village gypsy doctor.

I live in a county that is 98% white now, and it was even whiter when I was a kid. There were two Asian families, one Hispanic family, and one kid who was half black. One of the Hispanic kids was my first boyfriend many years ago, and now I’m married to him. The first time I’d ever been around a black person was my college roommate. I don’t think I’m racist or anything but since I’d never really been around anyone who wasn’t white, I was terrified of accidentally offending her somehow. Like, I didn’t know how to act. Am I allowed to describe someone as black? Can I listen to Delta blues when she’s in the room? Is it racist if I compliment how good that color shirt looks with her skin tone?
我现在生活在一个98%是白人的县,我小时候甚至更白。有两个亚洲家庭,一个西班牙裔家庭,还有一个有一半黑人血统的孩子。许多年前,其中一个西班牙裔孩子是我的第一个男朋友,现在我嫁给了他。我第一次和黑人相处是我的大学室友。我不认为自己是种族主义者或任何其他人,但由于我从未真正接触过非白人的人,所以我害怕不小心冒犯了她。就像,我不知道如何行动。我可以将某人描述为黑人吗?当她在房间时我可以听 Delta 布鲁斯音乐吗?如果我称赞那件彩色衬衫与她的肤色很相配,这是种族主义吗?

I didn’t grow up in a racist family or anything so that’s just my experience, I’m sure it’d be different if I’d heard since birth how white people are better or whatever racist people teach their kids.

that makes sense and also checks out with some of the tales of rural china earlier in this thread. often humans aren't malicious or evil but are afraid, confused, or curious about people different from them and can be unintentionally rude; thanks for sharing your story! you seem like a nice person and these sociological things fascinate me :B

