
2023-02-01 12:54 知识科普 0阅读 投稿:小七












SingleStoreDB的最新版本还包括数据API,实现了与应用程序的无缝集成。开发人员可以使用Data API来构建无服务器应用程序,包括Web和移动应用程序。




SingleStoreDB现在包括一个Dbt连接器。正如Analytics Insight所报告的那样,这是对dbt是当今最广泛使用的数据工程工具之一的认可。

SingleStoreDB dbt连接器允许数据工程师和分析师快速和轻松地建立和管理数据管道。它使转换比使用Apache Spark更容易、更强大。虽然许多分析数据库和数据仓库都有与dbt的连接器,但SingleStoreDB可以与dbt集成,为数据转换提供服务,以支持低延迟的应用程序,这需要在同一个引擎中的操作和分析能力。




虽然 "安全设计 "一直是SingleStoreDB的一个关键原则,但在这个版本中,SingleStore增加了数据库的安全集成。SingleStoreDB现在支持通过OAuth 2.0对Azure SSO、GCP SSO和AWS SSO进行单点登录。




像Hulu、Uber和Comcast这样的数字巨头,以及像Fathom Analytics、DailyVest、Armis、IEX Cloud、Bitwyre、Factors.ai和Heylink这样的客户,都使用SingleStore为他们的现代数据密集型应用提供超强动力。


"SingleStore使我们的交易引擎能够以一毫秒的延迟或往返时间扩展到每秒一百万个订单。Bitwyre首席执行官兼联合创始人Dendi Suhubdy说:"SingleStore能够提供这种水平的延迟,即使在支持多个pod、并行读取和并行写入的情况下。

Shireesh Thota是IDG公司工程部的高级副总裁。 单一存储该公司为数据密集型应用提供全球最快的分布式SQL数据库SingleStoreDB。通过结合交易和分析工作负载,SingleStore消除了性能瓶颈和不必要的数据移动,以支持不断增长、要求苛刻的工作负载。


SingleStoreDB is a distributed, highly scalable SQL database that allows software engineers and their companies to build fast, interactive, modern SaaS applications and scale more effectively, all while lowering costs and complexity. It delivers high performance for both transactional and analytical workloads.

The newest features in SingleStoreDB supercharge data-intensive applications and enable developers and application owners to deliver real-time data experiences. These new enhancements are ideal for any enterprise that wants a database that can ensure easy app development, enterprise-grade capabilities, and fast analytics—all in one engine.

SingleStoreDB unifies transactions and analytics in that one engine to deliver high-performance data ingest, low-latency query performance, and real-time interactive user experiences, while minimizing or eliminating the need for data movement. It is built for real-time applications, and it can handle any type of data.


Among the key new SingleStoreDB features is Workspaces, complementing the separation of storage and compute for both transactional and analytical workloads capability that SingleStore announced last year. Workspaces enable users to efficiently scale workloads dynamically to power multiple applications with the same data.

Users of Workspaces can employ isolated workspaces for different types of workloads. A user might elect to have one workspace for writing data and multiple workspaces for reading data to power APIs, customer-facing applications, operational apps, and real-time data analytics.

Workspaces can be attached and detached on demand to fit the needs of applications. The isolation between applications and granular scalability that Workspaces provides allows for better unit economics by scaling compute dynamically for on-demand applications. Further, Workspaces allows for this isolation and scalability without impacting customer SLAs.

Code Engine with Wasm

SingleStore has also enhanced SingleStoreDB with the addition of Code Engine with Wasm. Now users can bring external data and compute algorithms to power new real-time use cases within the database engine, drawing on WebAssembly. With Code Engine with Wasm, developers can securely, natively, and efficiently execute rich computation in the database using their programming language of choice.

For computations and algorithms that are not easily expressed in SQL, Wasm support in SingleStoreDB brings algorithms to the data without having to move that data outside of the database. With SingleStoreDB Universal Language support, enterprises can now quickly integrate machine learning into real-time applications and dashboards. This can expedite the launch of compelling applications and functionality that are not easily expressible in SQL.

Data API

The latest release of SingleStoreDB also includes Data API, enabling seamless integrations with applications. Developers can use Data API to build serverless applications including web and mobile apps.

Data API uses HTTP to run SQL operations against the database rather than maintaining a persistent TCP connection. The connection is dynamically reconfigured, and each request-response is its own connection. Enterprises don’t have to do any installations, and they don’t have to waste time and resources on contending with manual administration of database connection pools.

The JSON payload is usable with users’ preferred programming languages and tools.

Dbt connector

SingleStoreDB now includes a dbt connector. This is in recognition that dbt is one of the most widely used data engineering tools today, as Analytics Insight reports.

The SingleStoreDB dbt connector allows data engineers and analysts to build and manage data pipelines quickly and easily. It makes transformations easier and more robust than using Apache Spark. And while many analytical databases and data warehouses have connectors to dbt, SingleStoreDB can integrate with dbt to serve data transformations to power low-latency applications, which require operational and analytical capabilities in the same engine.

Flexible Parallelism

The new Flexible Parallelism feature lets enterprises use all the cores on their machines to process a single query, significantly improving query performance by multiples. Flexible Parallelism helps enterprises to drive maximum efficiency and performance from their hardware and produces better CPU utilization.

New SSO integrations

While “secure by design” has always been a key tenet of SingleStoreDB, with this release SingleStore has increased the database’s security integrations. SingleStoreDB now supports single sign-on via OAuth 2.0 for Azure SSO, GCP SSO, and AWS SSO.

Customer-managed encryption keys

SingleStoreDB automatically encrypts data at rest using encryption keys managed by SingleStoreDB. And this new release takes those encryption capabilities to a new level, offering greater control. SingleStoreDB now supports customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) with the dedicated edition. This is critical for enterprises that need to meet zero trust policy or specific compliance or regulatory requirements to protect data.

SingleStoreDB unifies transactions and analytics in the same engine to power data-intensive applications and deliver superior real-time data experiences. More than 100 SaaS providers globally rely on SingleStoreDB, which delivers a 20x to 100x improvement in overall performance compared to alternatives.

Digital giants like Hulu, Uber, and Comcast, as well as customers like Fathom Analytics, DailyVest, Armis, IEX Cloud, Bitwyre,, and Heylink, use SingleStore to supercharge their modern, data-intensive applications.

Data is key to making the right business decisions, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and staying ahead of the competition. This reliance on data brings with it a need for simplicity, speed, and scale.

“SingleStore enabled us to scale our trading engine to one million orders per second with one millisecond latency, or round-trip time. SingleStore is able to deliver this level of latency even while supporting multiple pods, parallel reads, and parallel writes,” said Dendi Suhubdy, CEO and co-founder, Bitwyre.

Shireesh Thota is senior vice president of engineering with SingleStore, which delivers the world’s fastest distributed SQL database for data-intensive applications, SingleStoreDB. By combining transactional and analytical workloads, SingleStore eliminates performance bottlenecks and unnecessary data movement to support constantly growing, demanding workloads.

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